Wednesday, December 12, 2007

that's what She Said...

she said...

let's start a radio-show... you and i... and the aim-less banter which continues anyway...

this... after she'd said... how she genuinely liked my voice.. and how i should consider the option of becoming an emcee?

this... when i think of... how much she loved hearing me... how much she has heard my voice... and how much of a first impression it inverably makes :)

anyway... moving along... last night brought some interesting insights..

he said... think of the big-bang... and from every point there on... the universe and all things small.. that are a part of it.. try ... to complicate themselves... become more complex... its the state they try to achieve... i could ofcourse state his examples here.. and drive the point home... but then you would not think about this... almost like i did not.... but... i'll let you think this 1 for yrself..

and as i processed what was said... it reminded me of her... how complex she is... how complicated she loves to make her life... and she cud almost go any distance... to keep things.. not so simple? ...

food for thgt: is she so in line with the universe and its ways?...? and is this why she felt like my universe to me?? :) (what does she call it? the ironic smile?) :)

and it reminds me of my elegant quest to simplify my life... how he ridicules the idea and says.. i only talk of simplicity and dig for complexity...

moving back to kolkata talk (somehow.. too many posts seem to be mentioning cal... one ways or another?)

so yeah.. we were driving around... and then... wonder of wonders... a cat happened to cross our path... and he just stopped... bang in the middle of the road.. .in the right-most lane.. at 6pm... on a high-traffic rode.. until one of the cars over-took us.. and passed that pt :)

i think i have mentioned this once before also... but it is JUST as amazing.. JUST as amusing.. JUST as calcutta.. each time it happens..

truly... my city of JOY

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