Monday, February 13, 2006

the perfect day!

it started with bad-grades... well... considering all the ingredients to this semester... bad-grades was the only logical conclusion.. anyway… after that we had that mammoth planning meeting to redeem ourselves...

a few hours later we planned a movie.. to kill the time.. and in sync with the theme of the day... it was the most mind-less, the most point-less movie i have ever seen.. and it was so bad that despite the money we were spending.. we walked out... mid-day now that hasn't happened since that time in Pinki forever back.. and never really happened for a English film.. ever..

then ofcourse.. someone mistook it to be a picturesque night.. and we decided to go for a drive... just to enjoy the view... she spun almost out as the mind raced farther... then ofcourse after a futile drive.. the road was dug-up.. so no view to enjoy.. and no place to part.. and just about as we were about to hit the rd... the license was missing and to eschew trouble… we headed back home..

ofcourse somewhere in the course of the night the equilibrium was also destroyed… for the first time in 2 weeks and the next day was one of those only days with a day-long headache

Guess this wasn’t the most popular Saturday after-all

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