Wednesday, February 15, 2006


its something i have come across... more so in the last few years... i think... that relationships have stopped becoming so official and people are much more open about the idea of liking someone and yet much more weary of commitment or entering something concrete.

maybe this is because we're (or ppl in my circle) are at an age where commitment becomes a much bigger deal.. and no1 is really fuckin' arnd anymore... maybe it stems from the fact that all of us have definitely had our first few r'ships.. so there is no puppy-lovin left...

anyway... the amount of nothin-r'ships that i see around me... far out-number the ppl in serious r'ships.. and i no longer am certain when some1 says they're single.. coz the thgt of another nothin r'ship comes arnd... i guess what makes em so popular is their lack-of-form or freedom.. some are into a nothin r'ship.. coz they fear commitment.. .some reach it as a residue stage from their previous r'ship... some reach it coz they dun wanna be alone n yet dun really wanna be with tht person.. .and some are just there.. i guess...

amazing how the dynamics of society change and how new concepts are invented to fill the gaps in these...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ohh...I think exactly like that, when a person says im not seeing anyone-are they really seeing nobody?