Friday, June 12, 2009

rich man's car crash

so... nothing says... car crashes are good... or people like totalling their cars... not that this may not be true.. but we can fairly assume that's not the case with most of the lot... atleast not the one's i'm writing about here!

so... we have all i suppose... been through one major car-crash... and it has to be good... fire-works... something which causes the insurance firm to sit-up.. take notice :)

it's not so much about who's fault it is... i think? i mean obviously we're never... 100% in the right... and in most cases... we're not even 100% in the wrong.. put in a scoopfull of negligence... another scoop of the mood or the moment... add a dollop of this being at an un-earthly hour... and a dash of the thrill... of this being sucha "cool" THRILL!

again... we won't go crash our cars just to have the story i would think...

BUT! once it has happened... we like to milk it.. for all its worth... what with some realizations that you probably anyway wanted to get out? the facebook photo op? the bar-room stories of flashing and blinding lights!

ofcourse.. like all things unfortunate in life.. it is only permissible in moderation... you can cause monetary loss... and talk of it with a twinkle in your eye for the next fortnight... but... you lose a limb... yr kinda fucked... you run over innocent road sleepers.. BOY YR FUCKED!

i am ofcourse... very much part of this brigade... so i wouldn't call this "me ranting against things going wrong" lets' just try to call it.. "a study of social behavioral trends today?"

so... here's waiting for ... another set of rubber steel & glass pile :)

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