Saturday, June 17, 2006

right investments!

This isn't so much about the stock-market, because i don't understand how it works anyway. Its a lot more about investing time, effort, money and your feelings in people and friends.

Money is not a big deal, i've always believed in it. Thus, financial investments.. in stocks or people are not that big a deal...

But investing in people, exposing ourselves to them and letting ourselves be vulnerable around them is so much power given to an external source. Like our various OB discussions, this is an external locus of control (not good).

Investing in people fucks-up further when you think about how volatile the investment is, how easily all of it can result in naught and disappear without a trace.

We yet carry on, meeting new people investing in them.. exposing ourselves... usually getting disappointed....

...and then the churh next to home says
"Goodness is the only investment that never fails to return a dividend"


Fanaah said...

Hmm Ive learnt my lesson too-people over money for sure. But humans are way more volatile than the stock market-think about how certain people can hurt you so badly as well.
But we are the ever optimist, which is why when the market is down we invest more, and when you lose faith in someone you reach out for humans even more.

Anonymous said...

so it is...

and maybe my screening criteria has become more stringent over the years...

and i think that helps.

i think even you have very stringent criteria yourself.

screening stocks is always a good idea,don't you think?


Anonymous said...

come to think of it, wud u ever mistake me for tht placement chap whose name also starts with k?

i'd hate that.

i'm gonna write my name.


Anonymous said...


Your comment somewhere else brought me here...
well said...
or may be because i wasted more than an year talking to a friend...believing that we were kindred spirits ...
a total waste of time cause He always thought money/markets are everything...

Hoping for a better investment this time...

Parag said...

I tend to disagree.. I have always believed that people are the best investments that you can make..
Well selected people seldom surpise (low volatility)..
I guess oncce you start working and head a team with people under you .. You will realise how important it is to nurture people..
At the moment most of these comments on this blog are from a "partner / lover" point of view..
Even in that field the issue of being hurt comes from expectation..
Love someone without expectation.. and the feeling of failure and pain will seem so silly..