Thursday, March 30, 2006

The Body - A Marvel

Its amazing the kind of energy reserves our body has. This afternoon after under-going the most strenuous work-out I was exhausted, dead-tired and thought at 8pm… that this would indeed be a good time to sleep… the evening then… as it slowly led to the dim-dark... was my first leg of this evening.

Then ofcourse came the time spent on writing intelligent sounding words and bonding with friends, over a drive-home then a dinner followed by a dessert and some general talk. That was then part two of this evening.

Finally, with a few more hours on that form, a few words to pacify a restless mind and a few more stray thoughts later… I am sitting on my home PC at 5:36 AM… roughly 10 hours after I was dying to sleep… and yet wide awake…

What amazes me isn’t the fact that so much happened in the last 10 hours… I guess if you’re up sufficiently long, you will go through multiple experiences… but just the fact that the body has so much reserve energy in store which can so effortlessly kick-in to ensure that when push comes to shove… we can thrust hard ;)


Fanaah said...

Heheh like you can push your body and it goes to a different potential. Then your mind quits and your body just collapses.

crusading against myself~! said...

no... i think the body goes on as long as the mind needs it...

maybe its just something about being in your 20's... but my body's never let me down yet.. :)

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