Wednesday, November 09, 2005

stating the obvious

today... we shall delve upon a rather commonly known theory.. coz for once in our lives... it affects us in an un-common way...

the self-image or self-worth that a person has... determines how safe/insecure he feels about the people around him..

that is the essential crux of this post.. and then to drive home the point you can probably expound on the theory that the times when we do feel insecure or un-safe or likely to lose our loved ones is when we're not confident that our personalities or what we bring into that relationship is enough to make them stay with us...

its something i felt with and in.. all of my relationships.. and something which became glaringly evident in the non-relationships also....

it is good sometimes to know so much about yourself and the kind of things that affect you... and then yet to romanticize life.. if you junk all these learnings and keep living with your mistakes anyway... where is the smart man going to go?

she'd once told me i am a bundle of joy... when i look back, very often i only see a bundle of errors .. the choicest mistakes done with crackling delight
she was beautiful, smart and hopeful
she wanted to show me the light
turns out i was blind!


Fanaah said...

They say if you can imagine a man to be malicious, it is only as malicious u get-after all it is the depth of ure imagination.

They say u are insecure, because u are either unsure about what u give to the relationship or tht u believe u will falter, so u are insecure tht the opposite partner will falter.

But can the holy soul look at this world and say-this world is good and beautiful?

Anonymous said...

wht r u saying dude!

Anonymous said...

hello boongat... well.. us thinkin the same things.. is scary in a good or a bad-way??

and is my insight really tht deep or profound.. its more a statement of fact.. done so .. here.. coz i think something trigerred it..

goin fine.. rejections come.. left-right-and centre

hangin in there ;)