Wednesday, October 14, 2009

the money's!

so... today i sat in a meeting... with ms. dollar S...



you mean richie rich's DOG?

the currency of the US of A?


this is a lady in my office...


anyway... since meetings have a spirit of their own... & a mind & life of their own...

these thgt's came thru...

so her children might be cents & pennies?

cousin's would be... euro... pounds & rupees?

niece's & nephews would be?? pence? paise? and the list is well end-less depending on how many currencies you like!

everybody loves money i suppose... but trust the neighbourhood Gujrati man... to best find a way to express his love...

i SHUDDER at the thgt of ... what ms.. $ may have gone through in the early teens & onwards!

the half-stifled laugh... gains a whole new meaning from this vantage point...

i somewhere in some weird way want to say.. atleast they were honest! but not really man! they ruined a life... Jeremy's no folk-legend after-all...

i shall wait for redemption day :)