Sunday, October 16, 2005


Sometimes there is an abrupt ending to promising stories, sometimes man wills it… sometimes circumstances do it… sometimes the situation takes a life of its on & takes matters in its own hands. It isn’t about the relevance of the instance or the significance of it… it is usually just there to live with and deal with… its not about the person either.

But when things do end, do change there is a fresh-ness that follows… an escape from the realm of familiarity… from the realm of helplessness, the pressure, the despondency and there’s something to smile about again… something to fall in love with… Someone gives way to something and nothing becomes no-one.

1 comment:

Fanaah said...

Sometimes when a person goes from your life the feeling ranges from lost feeling of dependancy to joy for it brings a new routine.

Like an old piece of furniture that has always been there, when you throw it out you miss it because it just always had been there. but it allows space for change and something new.

Ive come to understand most people are neither for you nor against you: they are just thinking about themselves-no matter how hard you try. At first its troubling; then its relaxing.