Monday, October 31, 2005

do you realise?

Whenever i look at you!
i See immense potential
and then i realise
you will never realise any of it

Sunday, October 30, 2005

things movies teach me....

the other day.. was by far the funniest thing i heard in a movie...

a mother-in-law-to-be wore a black dress at her son's wedding.... coz.. she didn't like her son's choice.. and said.. she was in mourning..
now if you have only one son.. .and that's his only wedding.. how funny a thing is that to do...

i tihnk like me.. them believe in ... doing all things that give.. maximum fun!

and then... today.. we saw the down side of being with someone better than u... wher yr perpetually insecure....luckily for me. .ther's no1 better

Thursday, October 27, 2005

the insignificance of numbers...

there were 21 of them....

they took 16 out of 60

3 rejected me for what i'd done

4 for how i spoke

n 4 more for the way i look

10 of them i ignored...

and then when i look back upon the last 6 months.. i am the most-active-kid...

and then when i consider the people they took. i have little to consider...

didn't i always say numbers always lie... i like my reality. or what is left of it

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


music is sucha powerful.. loveable thing....

i fall in love.. when i hear her phone grunt 'smells like teen spirit'.. its sucha high...

i fall in love with her voice.. when she says... its a sound that only i can hear...

and this as i type.. is 15 mins away from a financial presentation which i know nothing about....

but as he says... sab moh-maya hai...

is it more important to post this blog or read the case.. so i have opinion on what i will be speaking about... i think the choice was already made.. a while back ;)

festive seasons are so nice.. so special.. u rise above all petty things like seminars, festivals, family obligations... grades, presentations and social obligations..


Listen when I'm silent there's a
Sound that only you can hear
Listen when it's quiet I know
You can hear it, cover up your ears
Cover up your ears


this song reminded me of her.... her uniqueness... and how i could, never name her name..

Scars are souvenirs you never lose
The past is never far
Did you lose yourself somewhere out there
Did you get to be a star?
And don't it make you sad to know that life
Is more than who we are

I think about you all the time
But I don't need the same
It's lonely where you are come back down
And I won't tell em your name

she was unique when i fell for her..
she remained unique in what we did...
she still is unique in how she plays me....
this probably deserves a sufficiently unique ending?

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


if wishes were horses
kings'd fly
if she was any more real
this life'd be a lie
she says she likes me
for who i am
for what i stand for
and the things that i do

but she isn't tied-down
she couldn't get in such-an-arrangement
she is averse to a-simple-kind-of-life

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Sometimes there is an abrupt ending to promising stories, sometimes man wills it… sometimes circumstances do it… sometimes the situation takes a life of its on & takes matters in its own hands. It isn’t about the relevance of the instance or the significance of it… it is usually just there to live with and deal with… its not about the person either.

But when things do end, do change there is a fresh-ness that follows… an escape from the realm of familiarity… from the realm of helplessness, the pressure, the despondency and there’s something to smile about again… something to fall in love with… Someone gives way to something and nothing becomes no-one.

Friday, October 14, 2005


the time allocated to a person in the confines of my head.. would also be an indicator of how relevant or significant their presence is to me... how much their absence can hurt me.. and how their un-knowing actions cause the greatest dis-comfort.. the joy in their touch and the unity of dedication.. all these thoughts when dedicated to a certain person for whatever duration is called their showing on prime-time.

Prime-time is usually inversely proportional to the good times in their lives… as at any given point of time… only so much happiness can exist on this planet, so, when one person is happy… another has to be equally miserable… sometimes both are miserable and maybe this is the only way there is equitable distribution of wealth.

Monday, October 10, 2005

ode.. continued

and... something that happend to someone in the last 4 hours... reminded me.. .another reason i like women so much.. or enjoy sharing a drink with them!!

is coz they never get piss drunk and bad-mouth ppl or come down to physical blows...

the worst that can happen if the woman with you gets really drunk is.. .she'll be easy to get in to bed... that most often might not be sucha bad thing after-all..

wonder where this puts alcohol.. or what would be the right company for drinking..

Ode to the other-kind!

Women are such wonderful people... really my favorite half of the human race.. i don't think even an hour passes by when i am not using/reminded of... something someone taught me once upon a time...

ofcourse most of it usually from so long back in life.. .and seems so much from the past.. that i wonder if i have stopped my learning now... and if i have learnt enough.. but then when has a student ever felt confident about all the learning they could get from the master.. there always seemed more.. especially for someone like me.. (this no-one else is supposed to know.. or go figure)

i was just in the mood of a couple of beers tonight.. nothing exceedingly drunken.. and it reminded me of someone from again SO LONG BACK and her theory of excess's... and how it wasn't always about going all the way.. and how different degrees of things held different levels of satisfaction.... i was ofcourse.. young and un-aware then... now i understand and well like in most cases.. i can only understand :P

so much about them i admire.. from the obvious simplicities to the spinning complexities.. (i don't think i've met any simpler than me though) or any more complex than her.. and yet their charms would remain un-matched... their ways would remain just as special... and my love for them.. hmm i wonder what comes after this!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

When you feel cornered from all sides....

.....Its ascertained you're all alone!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

days like these

sometimes.... living itself is so tiresome and difficulT!

i think on days like these it just isn't worth it... to live-anymore...

but you can't really pause life.. take a break and return?

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Sufficiently Drunk!

Its such a funny thing to think of.. when is? a person.... sufficiently drunk?

It took him thrice the effort it usually does...
was he sufficiently drunk when he made the confession?
or when she took him to a room in the marriott?
or when he puked at home or broke a beer bottle...

well.. last nite was abt a lot more i think...

anyway... so we went to drink and had to drink more..
and then we went home and had to drink still more

and then they took us out partying.. or tried..

but bapu ensured.. we didn't get too far.. bapu's happy b-day dry day..
n then the terraces were locked.. so v jst sat at home n drank more :S

n then i accomodated myself on a bed....

woke up at noon... to a asleep-huose..

and then.. we micro-waved some coffee... some conversation... the newsppr.. n the fukin matrimonial if u blv moron kids..

but all in all a beautiful mornin followed by a relaxing afternoon.. let me complete the evening by digging through a book.

good-day to u also plp!