Friday, December 31, 2010

pretty ppl have the most fun problems!

so... the blogosphere wouldn't know about this....but abt a month back on twitverse.... i was talking about the great joy of following pretty people...

a few people even ridiculed the thought publically... i'm sure atleast thrice more thought me a creep... but well.. i did manage to follow a few pretty people...

having as much free time as the year end brings... and reading all about their lives... my belief got seconded... pretty people have the most fun problems :)

so somebody had a problem about how @ a specific party... nobody spoke to them... she's not exactly ms. popular... but she's no dull-douche either! so WHY were ppl ignoring her...

and when the mystery unraveled it was even more fun...

the thing about pretty people problems is... they're real... make no doubt... and they'd bother you too... if you had them... but us-lesser-mortals... or less-halves... are so far behind in the race of things we got going our way... that we never reach the liberated stage of pretty people problems (PPP henceforth) ! :)

PPP are like at a state of self-actualization in the hierarchy of problems... which is actually kind of sucky... because the pretty people still have the common world problems like you & me... sometimes even the existential questions bother them... but it's their everyday problems that really make my day...

someday... i wish to be a shrink for the pretty people... (maybe if i charge a lot of fee & somehow angle myself as for the young crowd... i'd automatically get only the pretty people...) its fairly difficult to turn fat & ugly @ a young age... though god knows we have seen the exceptions around us...

on that happy note... we end this year... may the pretty problems of the pretty souls prevail... as i chuckle under my breath and chug another beer :)